A platform built around you

We made sure we have a module for every part of your ServiceNow release process.

Capture requirements right.


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A massive 71% of software projects fail due to poor requirements management. Capture the wrong requirements and risk wasted investment, excess cost, lost revenue and unhappy customers. Use AutoPlan and get it right. Give your customers the business capability they want - and need.


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A massive 71% of software projects fail due to poor requirements management. Capture the wrong requirements and risk wasted investment, excess cost, lost revenue and unhappy customers. Use AutoPlan and get it right. Give your customers the business capability they want - and need.

AutoPlan is our patented solution, set to revolutionise your next project.

Giving you the power to capture every requirement in a consistent, structured and repeatable way. AutoPlan helps your business optimise the delivery lifecycle at every stage.


One truth. Zero misunderstandings.

requirements icon

Reduce risk of failure 

Now every member of your team can capture functional and non-functional requirements consistently, wherever they are in the world.


Identify change instantly

Enjoy one single version of the truth and identify changes immediately, as well as the impact they may have on other areas of the delivery lifecycle.


Validate requirements easily

All requirements are captured in a way that’s human readable and automatically converted into tests – so you can test and deliver accurate results simply.


Complete traceability

Automatic documentation enables you to trace every change back to its original requirement. Saving significant time creating documentation to regulatory standards.


Create instant documentation

Focus your skills on what matters – not paperwork. Create professional Requirements and Acceptance Documents at the touch of a button.


Customer sign-off

Gain customer sign-off to new requirements and acceptance criteria. No more misunderstandings about what will be delivered.

AutoPlan - 60 Second Explainer Video


Does Test Driven Development mean more work for business analyst to do?

Moving to a Test Driven Development approach for requirements capture is a transformational change in the way a team works.  The business analyst will need to work with the process owner, developer and testers to fully and accurately define the requirement and acceptance criteria as ‘future tests’.  This requires attention to detail and more thought being given at this stage.  However, this is a good thing since time savings will be realised in all stages of the development life-cycle, through the removal of re-work and wasted effort due to poorly defined requirements.

What if I use the ServiceNow ITBM, Agile modules or Jira for requirements management?

No problem.  You can still use those systems for requirements management and integrate with AutomatePro for detailed requirements and acceptance criteria definition.

Can I manage sprint backlog, epics and user stories with AutomatePro?

Yes absolutely.  AutomatePro provides all the agile management features you need to manage your projects, with the benefit that it is all integrated into a single platform.

"An 86% reduction in resource and over $130k savings from AutomatePro"

Tim Stacey
Enterprise Service Management, Arm Holdings

Optimise your delivery lifecycle.

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