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14 Important ServiceNow Automation Testing Interview Questions

4 min read

Lauren Barraco • 11/03/2024

With over 500 open roles on Linkedin for people with ServiceNow testing skills, the market is hot right now! If you’re wondering how to land your dream ServiceNow automation testing role, mastering interview questions is key. Whether this is your first job or you’re a seasoned executive, we’ve compiled 14 crucial questions with tips to help you ace your interview.

Before we dive-in to the questions, here’s a few interviewing best practices to help you feel prepared:  

  • Do your research. Learn as much as you can about the company you’re interviewing with, ServiceNow, and automation testing in general. 
  • Practice your answers. The more you practice, the more confident you will be in your interview. 
  • Be prepared to ask questions. This shows that you are engaged and interested in the position. 
  • Follow up after the interview. Thank the interviewer for their time and reiterate your interest in the position. 

14 Important ServiceNow Automation Testing Interview Questions

Entry-Level Interview Questions 

  1. What are the benefits of using automated testing in ServiceNow?
  • Tip: Highlight efficiency, accuracy, and wider test coverage. 
  • Answer: “Automated testing is like having a full-time assistant! It saves time by running tests faster, catches bugs I might miss, and ensures faster feedback on platform stability.” 
  1. What are some commonly used ServiceNow automated testing frameworks?
  • Tip: Showcase knowledge of core options and flexibility. 
  • Answer: “I’m familiar with ServiceNow Automated Test Framework (ATF), but have also heard of Selenium for UI testing and Jasmine for code-focused checks. The best choice depends on specific needs but I know that dedicated tools like AutomatePro are the most robust and cover the full testing and DevOps lifecycle.” 
  1. Explain the difference between unit tests and integration tests in ServiceNow.
  • Tip: Briefly explain functionality and purpose of each. 
  • Answer: “Think of unit tests like checking individual tools in your toolbox. Integration tests see if those tools work together seamlessly. Both are crucial for different aspects of platform quality.” 
  1. What are some best practices for writing effective ServiceNow test scripts?
  • Tip: Emphasize organization, clarity, and error handling. 
  • Answer: “I keep things modular with clear names, use external data for flexibility, and handle errors gracefully. Clear scripts are easier to maintain and share.” 
  1. How would you troubleshoot a failing automated test in ServiceNow?
  • Tip: Demonstrate logical steps for problem-solving. 
  • Answer: “First, I’d check the logs to pinpoint the issue, whether it’s data, script logic, or something else. If needed, debugging tools can help step through the script and identify the culprit.”

14 Important ServiceNow Automation Testing Interview Questions

Mid-Level Interview Questions  

  1. Describe your experience using ServiceNow Automated Test Framework (ATF) for creating automated tests.
  • Tip: Highlight specific modules and functionalities used, plus any limitations you’ve experienced.  
  • Answer: “I’ve been using ATF for a while, creating test cases, executing them, and analyzing results. That said, I do find that it can only go so far in terms of test coverage. I’d be curious to learn about other tools on the market that provide more complete platform testing.” 
  1. Can you explain the concept of test coverage and how to measure it in ServiceNow?
  • Tip: Explain how test coverage measures how much of the platform is being tested and mention tools used for measurement. 
  • Answer: “Test coverage is like a scorecard for how much of your platform you’re actually testing. We want to cover modules, workflows, user access, integrations, and more. With AutomatePro’s traceability matrix I have been able to link test cases back to the orginating requirements proving to the business that their key processes are being correctly covered.” 
  1. How would you approach automating a complex business process in ServiceNow?
  • Tip: Break down the process and explain your testing strategy. 
  • Answer: “I’d break it down into smaller, testable steps, identify key functionalities and integrations, then design modular test scripts covering each interaction. It’s like building a testing puzzle.” 
  1. What are some considerations for writing secure and maintainable ServiceNow test scripts?
  • Tip: Focus on data security, clear naming, and documentation. 
  • Answer: “Security is paramount, so I handle data carefully and avoid hardcoded credentials. Clear naming conventions, good documentation, and following best practices make scripts easier to maintain for everyone.” 
  1. How can you integrate automated testing into a CI/CD pipeline for ServiceNow?
  • Tip: Explain automated testing triggers and integration within the pipeline. 
  • Answer: “Imagine an automated testing assembly line: you can use tools like AutomatePro to trigger tests after each code change. The results are analyzed within the pipeline, ensuring everything’s good to go before deployment.” 

14 Important ServiceNow Automation Testing Interview Questions

Senior-Level Questions 

  1. Discuss your experience using different testing frameworks and tools beyond ATF.
  • Tip: Showcase experience with diverse testing tools and understanding of their strengths. 
  • Answer: “I’ve used Selenium for UI testing and AutomatePro for full spectrum test automation. Knowing when to use each is key. Selenium is great for visual checks, but as ServiceNow has frequent UI updates it makes test maintenance problematic, entire test plans can need frequent rewrites which delays upgrades. With AutomatePro, I’ve seen the most success with full test coverage, plus it includes a full suite of DevOps products that simplify things like documentation as well.” 
  1. How would you design an automated testing strategy for a large-scale ServiceNow implementation?
  • Tip: Highlight risk-based approach, prioritization, and phased testing. 
  • Answer: “Planning and prioritization are crucial. I’d use a risk-based approach, focusing on critical areas first. Setting clear coverage goals and using phased testing helps break it down into manageable chunks. It’s like building a testing roadmap!” 
  1. How would you stay up-to-date with the latest ServiceNow testing best practices and tools?
  • Tip: Show your commitment to continuous learning and mention specific resources. 
  • Answer: “I stay updated through the ServiceNow community forums, blogs, official documentation, and conferences. I also follow industry trends and experiment with new tools to stay ahead of the curve.” 
  1. Describe a challenging automation problem you encountered and how you solved it.
  • Tip: Share a real-world scenario and showcase your problem-solving skills. 
  • Answer: “Once, I encountered a complex integration test that kept failing due to intermittent data issues. I used debugging tools and data analysis to identify the root cause and implemented a more robust data handling solution, which fixed the issue.” 

Remember: These are just some of the questions you might be asked during an interview. In addition to the questions above, be prepared to discuss: 

  • Your experience with scripting languages such as JavaScript and Python 
  • Your knowledge of ServiceNow architecture and best practices 
  • Your ability to think critically and solve problems 

And that’s it! Feeling confident about your ServiceNow automation testing interview now? Remember, preparation is key. Bookmark this post, explore the resources mentioned and practice your answers. With focus and the right approach, you’ll be well on your way to landing your dream job in ServiceNow automation testing! 

Lauren Barraco • 11/03/2024

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